“Delivering The Difference”

We carry an extensive stock of Knotless Nylon Netting, Ropes and Twines for in-house construction of any net to your specifications for quick delivery.
As a subsidiary of MoreNot Aquaculture Norway, Morenot Canada Ltd. has been providing Netting Solutions Globally for over 25 years.
As well we are a supplier of equipment and products for Shellfish Farming of Oysters, Mussels, Clams and Geoducks. Carrying a ready stock of 2-Strand Oyster Rope, Mussel Socking, Floats, Bouys and Mooring equipment including Galvanized Mooring Chain, shackles, thimbles and heavy ropes as well as sales of many other marine related items.
Equipped for Net Servicing as well, Morenot Canada Ltd. offers Net Washing, Antifoulant Treatment, Net Repairs and Alterations.
Custom Made Nets are normal here. Have an idea for a net you need? Please browse through our site for ideas or contact us directly to discuss your requirements and we would be happy to provide you with a quote for whatever you require.