We make all ranges of sizes and shapes of nets for Fish Farms large and small. From small 1.8m diameter circular nets used inside hatchery tanks right up to very large 120m circumference x 30m deep Grow-Out Nets used for everything from Salmon to Tuna and even temporary Killer Whale holding.
All shapes are possible as well with square and circular shaped nets being the most common but we have also built triangular nets to maximize space in a small indoor breeding operation where tank space was minimal and there was a requirement for many separate holding areas.
Coned Bottom nets are also a common feature we build into our nets where concentrating morts or uneaten feed to some type of retrieval device is required.
Circular Farm Cage system:
14 – cage system, all nets in:
This farm net combines nylon mesh on top with Hybrid (Dyneema blend) mesh in all areas below 3m from the surface.
Plexus is the trade name of this special high strength/light weight netting made by our parent company MoreNot:
Sidewall with Nylon Upper and Plexus mesh lower sections Combo Hybrid 25m x 25m x 12m + 1.25m:
Circle Cages: