Longline, Mussel & Marker Bouys

We carry a range of smaller black plastic Mussel bouys typically for suspending mussel longline systems. As well we have larger “Barrel Bouys” which are rotationally molded plastic as well fashioned from a steel drum. These bouys have rounded ends and beefy loops on each for securing in a longline system where typically two long horizontal ropes will be strung through each end of these barrels so that many will lay in a line between these two horizontal surface ropes and will carry the weight of shellfish growing systems suspended vertically off these surface lines. These Barrel Bouys are typically black to reduce their visibility but they are also available in yellow.

These Yellow Bouys are the same in every way except color to the black ones but their diameter of at least 60 cm meets the Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) requirement for the minimum size for obstruction bouys required to delineate the boundaries of open water shellfish farms on the surface of the ocean. By anchoring these bouys from one end vertically and including reflective tape, a radar reflector and an amber-flashing solar powered Carmanah light on top, they will fully meet the CCG requirement for a “Corner” bouy to mark the outermost corner of your open water shellfish farm and possibly save you from having an unfamiliar tourist mariner anchoring his yacht in the middle of your system!