This product is available in many sizes and thicknesses.
Commonly this comes in a 4’ wide X 50’ long roll and is useful for making small holding pens, boxes, tray liners for fine seed stock, cover nets etc. We have a small amount of this product in stock but can order in whatever size you may require. We do have samples of many different sizes and types.
Plastic Tube Netting, typically used to pick shellfish products into. Knot one end and stuff it into and then around the top of a 5 gallon bucket and then pick your product into it. Clams, oysters, mussels etc. Knot the top when full and you have the product in a mesh bag. The product can be left in these bags on the beach or in transport or depuration tanks but still kept alive. Some people refer to this product as “Vexar” but they use that name for many different plastic products.